Migrating to 0.7.0
Lot’s changed in v0.7.0. Hopefully this guide should help you understand those changes as well as show you what you should update to work with the new features. If you want some more context about the "why", please have a look at the blog post we wrote.
What changed
The biggest change for KitQL users is that generated stores are done from Houdini now instead of KitQL Client package.
Here is the list of things to update:
Bump your
to the latest -
The file
doesn't hold any client info for generation help link -
Configure Houdini, follow this guide. And comeback here!
To migrate a big project, you can in
adddisableMasking: true
Usage update help link
- If you were using
only in a client context, you should probably strip down your.graphqlrc.yaml
file down to
# You can add multiple projects and generate with -p args
# 👇 For vscode-graphql and intellisense
- ./src/lib/graphql/schema.json
# - ./src/**/*.graphql
- ./$houdini/graphql/schema.graphql
- ./src/**/*.gql
- ./$houdini/graphql/documents.gql
Do not forget to remove the generate cmd of your package.json
(graphql-codegen --config ./.graphqlrc.yaml
- If you were already using the server side, follow the config here.
Usage update
- functions
were renamed to.fetch()
- prefix
is nowGQL_
is most of the case replaced by$houdini
- variables inputs
is nowSTORE$input
- Fragment
<script context="module" lang="ts">
import { KQL_FirstQuery } from '$lib/graphql/_kitql/graphqlStores'
export async function load({ fetch, url, params, session, stuff }) {
await KQL_FirstQuery.queryLoad({ fetch })
return {}
import { load_FirstQuery } from '$houdini'
import type { Load } from './$types'
export const load: Load = async event => {
return {
...(await load_FirstQuery({ event }))
<script lang="ts">
import { browser } from '$app/env'
$: browser && GQL_FirstQuery.fetch()
Then, the best is to directly check Houdini's Doc.